Listing Conditions-Amendments to the Equity Listing Agreement. CIRCULAR CIR/CFD/DIL/1/2010 dated April 05, 2010
(a) Requirement of auditors' certificate for accounting treatment under schemes of
arrangement- Amendment to clause 24
(i) It has been observed that in some of the recent schemes of amalgamation /
merger / reconstruction, etc. (schemes) of certain listed entities submitted to the
Hon'ble High Court for approval, there are included details of the accounting
treatment to be given to various items in the process of
amalgamation/merger/reconstruction etc. If this accounting treatment is not in
accordance with the accounting standards specified under section 211(3C) of the
Companies Act, 1956, the resultant financial statements of the entity concerned
will not be in conformity with the accounting standards.
(ii) In view of the above, it has been decided that while submitting the scheme of
amalgamation / merger / reconstruction, etc. (schemes) to the stock exchanges
under clause 24(f) of the Equity Listing Agreement, the listed entities shall also
submit to the concerned stock exchange, an auditors' certificate to the effect that
the accounting treatment contained in such schemes is in compliance with all the
applicable Accounting Standards.
(b) Timelines for submission and publication of financial results by listed entities-
Amendment to clause 41(I)(c),(d)(e) and 41(VI)(b)
(i) With a view to streamline the submission of financial results by listed entities by
making it uniform and to reduce the timeline for submission of the same to the
stock exchanges, it has been decided that listed entities shall disclose, on standalone
or consolidated basis, their quarterly (audited or un-audited with limited
review), financial results within 45 days of the end of every quarter.
(ii) Also, audited annual results on stand-alone as well as consolidated basis, shall
be disclosed within 60 days from the end of the financial year for those entities
which opt to submit their annual audited results in lieu of the last quarter unaudited
financial results with limited review.
(iii) With regard to publication of consolidated financial results alone, the following,
viz.,(a) Turnover (b) Profit before tax and (c) Profit after tax on a stand-alone
basis shall also be published.
(c) Voluntary adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by
listed entities having subsidiaries - Insertion of Clause 41(I) (g)
(i) Various regulatory authorities are working on arriving at a roadmap for
implementation of IFRS in India and on the steps to be taken for convergenc e of
the Indian Accounting Standards with IFRS by April 01, 2011.
(ii) In order to familiarize listed entities with the IFRS requirements within the
aforesaid timeline, it has been decided to provide an option for listed entities
having subsidiaries to submit their consolidated financial results either in
accordance with the accounting standards specified in section 211(3C) of the
Companies Act, 1956, or in accordance with IFRS.
(iii) where the figures for the current period are as per IFRS and the figures for the
corresponding previous period are as per the notified Accounting Standards, a
reconciliation shall be provided in respect of significant differences between the
figures as disclosed as per IFRS and the figures as they would have been if the
notified Accounting Standards were adopted.
(iv) Submission of stand-alone financial r esults to the stock exchanges shall
continue to be in accordance with the Indian GAAP.
(d) Requirement of a valid peer review certificate for statutory auditors- Insertion
of Clause 41(1) (h)
(i) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI / Institute) has specified a
peer review mechanism to ensure that the quality of services rendered by the
members of the Institute is maintained and enhanced on a continuous basis. Firms
of chartered accountants (proprietary as well as partnership) and members of the
Institute practising individually are required to undergo the peer review process.
(ii) It has been decided that in respect of all listed entities, limited review/statutory
audit reports submitted to the concerned stock exchanges shall be given only by
those auditors who have subjected themselves to the peer review process of ICAI
and who hold a valid certificate issued by the 'Peer Review Board' of the said
(e) Interim disclosure of Balance Sheet items by listed entities- Insertion of clause
41(V) (h) and Annexure IX
(i) Presently, shareholders have access to the statement of assets and liabilities of
the listed entity and its solvency position only on an annual basis. In the wake of
the recent global financial crisis, the issue of solvency has come to the forefront
from the shareholders' perspective.
(ii) With a view to have more frequent disclosure of the asset-liability position of
entities, it has been decided that listed entities shall disclose within forty-five days
from the end of the half-year, as a note to their half-yearly financial results, a
statement of assets and liabilities in the specified format.
(f) Modification in formats of limited revi ew report and statutory auditor's report -
Amendment to Annexures V, VI, VII and VIII to clause 41
(i) Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement provides for periodical disclosure of financial
results by listed entities. Annexures V, VI, VII and VIII to the said Clause provides,
inter-alia, the formats for submission of limited review reports by the statutory
auditors and the formats for reports by the statutory auditors wherein an
unqualified opinion on the financial results is expressed.
The aforesaid formats are hereby modified to make it clear that disclosures
pertaining to details of public shareholding and promoters' shareholding, including
details of pledged/encumbered shares of promoters/promoter group, contained in
the format have been traced from disclosures made by the management.
(g) Approval of appointment of 'CFO' by the Audit Committee- Inserti on of Clause
In order to ensure that the CFO has adequate accounting and financial management
expertise to review and certify the financial statements as required under Clause 49 of
the Listing Agreement, it has been decided that the appointment of the CFO is approved
by the Audit Committee before finalization of the same by the management. The Audit
Committee, while approving the appointment, shall assess the qualifications, experience
& background etc. of the candidate.
3. The above listing conditions are specified in exercise of the powers conferred under
Section 11 read with Section 11A of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
1992. The said listing conditions should form part of the existing Listing Agreement of
the stock exchange. A text of amendments in the Listing Agreement is enclosed as
4. Applicability (i) The provisions of para. 2 (a) above shall be applicable to all schemes of
arrangement / amalgamation / merger / reconstruction / reduction of capital of listed
entities that are being filed before the Hon'ble Courts/Tribunals on or after the date
of this circular.
(ii) The provisions of paras. 2 (b), (c), (e) and (g) shall be applicable with immediate
(iii) The provisions of para 2 (d) above shall be applicable to all financial statements
submitted by listed entities to the stock exchanges after appointment of auditors for
accounting periods commencing on or after April 01, 2010.
Download the full text of Amendment at:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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