Tuesday, April 27, 2010

WE DID IT! 1 MILLION SIGNATURES. Now let's use it to stop the dolphin slaughter.

To: The 1,005,204 signers of End the Brutal Killing of More Than 20,000 Dolphins Every Year in Japan

Dear Dolphin Petition Signers,

Last night we hit our goal of ONE MILLION SIGNATURES on our petition to End the Brutal Killing of 20,000 Dolphins Every Year in Japan. I'd like to just take a second and say thank you so much for what you've done to make this happen. Every invitation you sent to your friends, every time you posted this petition to your Facebook profile, it all counted and it has added up to one HUGE movement to stop the dolphin slaughter and the sale of mercury-laden dolphin meat. It's one of the top petitions that Facebook Causes has ever had! Thank you so much.

Now, we have an exciting opportunity to get the full impact of our collective voices. Facebook Causes, TakePart, OPS, Earth Island Institute – our whole Cove Team – are making final plans to present the petitions in Washington, DC and Tokyo, Japan. Watch for further details on how you can get involved too.

Help us ramp up efforts to get the message of The Cove to the people of Japan. A generous donor of ours has made a special offer to match any donation you make to this cause, up to a total of $10,000. So, if you want to support our work financially and put funds toward saving dolphins lives, donate to our cause now and your donation will be doubled! http://www.causes.com/thecove?m=67756cab


For those of you who are new signers, welcome! Be sure to join our cause at www.causes.com/thecove?m=67756cab and we will keep you updated as our campaign continues. We won't stop until the cove is shut down and we need your help. Thank you for joining our movement.

Ric, Dave, and the Save Japan Dolphins team

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