Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fw: To see the change, Be the change...


Thanks & regards...
Sonik P.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Alpesh Dangodara <>
To: Adi Gmail <>
Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 4:00:00 PM
Subject: To see the change, Be the change...


Alpesh D                    

                                                                                Love people, use things; Never confuse the two                                                                      

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Jai Krishna, Greenpeace India" <>
Sent: Wed, 18 August, 2010 1:16:25 PM
Subject: Sonia Gandhi

Click to sign the open letter to Sonia Gandhi
Dear Alpesh,

Bt Brinjal could be back. The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill has been approved by the Cabinet and will be tabled in the Parliament soon.

The BRAI bill will clear genetically modified (GM) crops overriding the concerns raised by the general public and state governments against GM food. The Cabinet cleared this bill in a hurried and hushed fashion, denying people a chance to voice their opinion.

But there is a way to change this bill. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson of the National Advisory Council (NAC) can force the Government to re-draft the bill with suggestions from the public. It has been done before and can happen again if the opposition to the bill in its current form is known.

Can you sign the open letter to Sonia Gandhi asking the NAC to make the Government consult people before tabling the bill?

The NAC had earlier made the Government re-draft the Communal Violence bill and the National Food Security bill. A large number of people asking for change will help convince them about the need for one in this case as well.

If passed, this bill will also allow BRAI to escape the purview of Right to Information. The public will be unable to stop genetic contamination of rice or 56 other crops whose GM versions are in the pipeline.

Time is short. The bill can be tabled in the Parliament any day. Sign the open letter now to save your food from contamination:

Thanks a billion!

Jai Krishna
Jai Krishna
Sustainable Agriculture Campaigner
Greenpeace India

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