Thursday, February 17, 2011

CiteMan Digest Thu Feb 17 2011

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Most Active Discussions

Do you need Automated PF monthly Challan
(26 Replies, 1226 Views)
HI Folks Find attached the pf monthly challan,Form 5 & Form 10 once if you enter the wages you ll get the automatic calculations for all the accounts....Use it with a smile..... Regards, Ramkishore

Sample formats attached to be used for Recruitment - Please review
(14 Replies, 1148 Views)
Dear All, Please find atached files of application form , Leave Policy,INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT FORM , Manpower Requisition CTC with PF ESIC .for your Future Ref. or It may be helpful to you also. Thanking you. Rajesh.

What are the criteria for PF Calculations - Please share
(7 Replies, 250 Views)
Dear All, Please let me know what is the criteria for Pf calculation is this from the date of joining or from the date of confirmation. Awaiting for the reply.

No bonus if your salary is higher than 10 thousand?
(6 Replies, 295 Views)
respected seniors, by comments of my boss....... here is no rule for bonus if your salary is higher then 10 thousand. this the the circular of labour department. i want to know what is the fact?

HR Responsibilities
(5 Replies, 523 Views)
Hi All, Please Send me Answer thoroughly what are the HR Responsibilities in Company

Please guide on how to calculate EL
(5 Replies, 180 Views)
dear all, I want to know how to calculate EL leave. According to me we will calculate EL on the working day. confusion is this we will calculate EL on working+EL (previous year enjoyed) please clear this. Munish Singla HR executive

Ego Problem
(5 Replies, 89 Views)
Dear All, Iam working as an HR executive and I am the only HR in my company. I am handling all the HR related activities including mediclaim. In mediclaim, usually when there is a claim, employee should intimate the HR, which is mandatory, so one my employee was admitted in the hospital, so she called me and said that she had some problem and wanted to process through cashless. I did all the back

Salary Survey 2010
(4 Replies, 559 Views)
Dear Group members, Can anyone share with me about salary survey of 2010, as it is highly required for my company to restructure the salary part. Await your response. Kannan R

Please guide on Hris
(4 Replies, 28 Views)
Would like you to kindly share your valuable knowledge of HRIS. Thanks

Wage register
(4 Replies, 82 Views)
Please provide me the wage register in form II formate.

Most Popular Discussions

How to prepare Training calendar & Budget
(9 Replies, 446 Views)
Dear Seniors, Please help me to prepare a training calendar & a budget. Please forward some sample training calendar Jackyy

Please help me to learn everything about Hr manual
(7 Replies, 209 Views)
hi everyone. kindly help me out regarding HR manual deatails. what exact it is?

Please guide how to design a calaendar for Employee Engagement events
(4 Replies, 192 Views)
Dear All, Can anyone help me out to build a calander relating to Employee Engagement, activites which will help employees to build team, improve rapport, communication etc, If there is any calander format please do share it with me Suggestions are welcome Regards Madhu

Impact Of Liberalization & privatization on Indian Economy....ppt file
(2 Replies, 163 Views)
Hi All Posting u the Presentation of the Impact Of Liberalization & privatization on Indian Economy. Hope that would be a usefull presentation for u all. Please find the attachement. Thanks & Regards Amit Singh 09935643900

Recruitment and Selection Process
(4 Replies, 139 Views)
Dear All, I am shyamala working in HR Department want to know about recruitment policies, selection criteria and more about recruitment process. Please help me in this regard. Thanking you Shyamala

salary calculations based on working days
(1 Replies, 122 Views)
Dear Seniors, can someone guide me in case we have to shift from 30/31 days salary calculation process to working days (20/21 days) salary calculations, what communcation should go to employees, like reasons, benefits by change of process. rgds, swapna

Formats attached for Attendance, log-in hours & Age Calculator - Please review
(5 Replies, 88 Views)
Hi Friends, Greetings for the day, Thank you for your overwhelming responses for my past postings. Attendance Report Format 2011 Log-In Hrs and Over Time Tracker_Time Sheet Now I am back with "Age Calculator", well there been always confusion about ou

First Aid Box & Ambulance
(2 Replies, 88 Views)
Dear Sirs, Ours is a metal working company employs more than 700 workmen. We have an OHC centre but yet to employ Doctor and nurse. There is a pvt hospital aprox 3 km away from facility. Now pls guide on my below questions: 1. How many first aid boxes I should have in the facility.? 2. What are all the minimum items I should have in the ambulance? Pls. advise. Regards, SSM

Please share what are included in Esic benefit
(2 Replies, 78 Views)

Please share how to design KRA for HR Head and HR Manger
(3 Replies, 53 Views)
Dear Seniors, Could be kind enough to share sample template of KRA for HR Head & HR Manager and how they these KRAs are assessed at the time of appraisals. Our Company is introducing a new system of Performance Management which is bulit around KRAs from this year and I am seeking clarity on it. Thankig you in advance for your help. Kind Regards Mau

Latest Attachments

NCB Tech.pdf
My name is Neha Chaitanya. Myself and few of my friends have started a new Software Company, NCB Tec[..]
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einsteinlesson 2 pre
Here is 20 Life Lesson Quotes From Albert Einstein. (Part II from the previous presentation.) Sompon[..]
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dalilama presented b
Here is 10 Life Lessons From Dalai Lama. Sompong Yusoontorn[..]
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Body Care.ppt
Hello Friends, My greetings to you. I believe a 'visualized-thought' gives more meaningful pow[..]
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Impact Of Liberaliza
Hi All Posting u the Presentation of the Impact Of Liberalization & privatization on Indian Econom[..]
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Rule 103C.pdf
Dear All, Find the latest amendment of Tamilnadu Factories Rule 103C. V.Prakash[..]
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Dear Friends Enjoy the presentation and share with dear ones. Regards
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Bride's Henna (Mehnd
Dear Ladies A selection of good mehindi for your needful.Hope you will enjoy. Regards
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Hello to all, Im sharing a ppt with u all on 'basic courtesis' as required to sustain & flourish in [..]
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Dear Friends An absorbing and important presentation to be followed by all of us. Regareds
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